I have uploaded my music to various platforms, including youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiRja6M9wlfU6qE7e3RusZWlODawc5Nc2&feature=shared
if you can support me by just simply listening, I would be incredibly thankful
Why do you wanna know so much about me HMMM mr/ms NOSY.......since so NOSY I'd have you know I do art, music, a lil game dev in the past(too much typing)... uuuh...I can ride a ripstik...GET ouTTa HeRe....
I miss my 7 cats
Joined on 12/15/23
Posted by WeirdoByMapleSt - 1 month ago
I have uploaded my music to various platforms, including youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiRja6M9wlfU6qE7e3RusZWlODawc5Nc2&feature=shared
if you can support me by just simply listening, I would be incredibly thankful